Nucleus Rising: Swift Progress Continues on Pitzer and 斯克里普斯’ New Science Building

Bridging the past and present: An architectural rendering of the bridges connecting The Nucleus with the existing Keck Science Department building.

Scientific breakthroughs don’t happen overnight; they are built on—they depend on—the achievements of the past.

以青霉素的发明为例. In 1928 Alexander Fleming noticed how mold stopped the growth of nearby bacteria. 但这需要其他科学家的努力, 大约15年后, 想办法利用弗莱明的发现, 净化, 并制造出来供公众使用.

2024年秋天核科学设施开放时, the past’s importance to the present will be visible daily to anyone entering the facility in a subtly symbolic way: in the bridges that will serve as gathering spaces as well as connecting The Nucleus with the existing Keck Science Department building.

For Keck Science Dean UJ Sofia and his 教师, The Nucleus project has been eagerly anticipated.

“我们为此计划了很长时间,索菲亚在最近的一次全校会议上告诉匹泽学院的教职员工. “施工正在进行,这让很多人感到兴奋和宽慰.”

自从五月破土动工以来, 新大楼的建设一直在稳步进行, which is the result of an important partnership between Pitzer and 斯克里普斯 colleges to create unprecedented new opportunities for 学生 in the sciences.

“从设计阶段到施工阶段, 与项目管理团队的持续合作关系, 承包商, and expanded team has ensured the project will meet the future science needs of 学生, 教职员工,帕特里斯·朗格万说, 匹泽大学负责校园设施的副校长.

这个团队, 朗之万说, 包括“许多社区成员”, 凯克科学学院院长, 教师, 学生, and staff; Laura Troendle, 谁是值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台副总裁, 首席运营官, and Treasurer; 斯克里普斯 Vice President for Business Affairs/Treasurer Dean Calvo, and 斯克里普斯 Executive Director of Facilities Management Josh Reeder; as well as the college presidents and members of the Board of Trustees; HPLE, Carrier Johnson建筑事务所, 和汉密尔顿建筑公司.”

When The Nucleus opens in fall 2024, “we’re really going to be able to flex our interdisciplinarity.”


就在凯克科学大楼西边, 纽核力大约是70,000平方英尺的建筑将以教学实验室为特色, 协作学习空间, 社区庭院和广场, 艺术装置, 还有一个科学用途的屋顶温室.

“The Nucleus” is a fitting name for a building that will create a powerful new concentration of state-of-the-art academic resources to support the study of the sciences at Pitzer and 斯克里普斯, 索菲亚说.

“现在建设正在迅速推进, we’ve been able to start thinking of exciting ways to build more connections between Pitzer’s and 斯克里普斯’ core values,他说. “We’re really going to be able to flex our interdisciplinarity more than we’ve ever done before.”

建筑工人在墙壁的各个部分工作, 木, 在阳光明媚的日子里,科学大楼一层的钢筋.
Making good progress: View of the first floor of The Nucleus from the rooftop of the Keck Science Department building. (图片来源:Michelle sppromberg)


Within just a few weeks of a groundbreaking ceremony in spring 2022 to celebrate the project and Pitzer-斯克里普斯 partnership, 工程正在按计划进行.

Langevin said the work was planned on a timeline that would be cost-effective (as well as mitigate construction disruptions to the surrounding dorms and Keck Science building) with the goal of achieving three key milestones in the first six months of construction: early procurement of materials, 挖掘, 并安装结构基础和立柱.

1月, the Pitzer-斯克里普斯 Facilities team worked with Hamilton Construction out of Pomona to purchase much of the equipment and needed building materials in advance (which has helped them avoid the price spikes of inflation that have happened during a financially volatile year).

今年夏天,该遗址被清理并挖掘至25英尺深, which was planned to occur when 学生 were thankfully away (digging is extremely noisy and disruptive). 约,共挖出844吨泥土,相当于2吨的重量,根据Jaime Ortiz的说法, HPLE项目经理-然后清洗和加工. 然后,一些土壤被带回来用于现场, 而一些土壤被储存起来以备将来使用, including for landscaping and grading work which will come near the end of the project.

Excavation was followed by the most dramatic aspect of construction: the installation of the footings and columns (some 327 tons of rebar, 换算成一根钢筋就有87英里长, 或者足够长,几乎可以从值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台延伸到海滩,然后再返回).

A construction worker in an orange hard hat stands in a green lift while working on a rebar column.
Getting ready for the concrete pours: The construction team preps the rebar columns on the first floor of The Nucleus. (图片来源:Michelle sppromberg)

“现在结构体系已经到位, 你可以开始看到实际建筑的形状, 实际足迹,朗格万指出. “It’s easier now to visualize the building, and that’s really exciting for everyone.”

虽然比萨, 斯克里普斯, 克莱蒙特学院的其他学生都放假了, 工作将继续与其他几个里程碑, including: concrete pours for the first floor and second floor slabs as well as starting to work on the roof slab and roof structure.

Prep work will also take place soon in the Keck Science building as the two buildings are joined together with the symbolic (and multi-use) bridges.

的索菲亚, 谁描述了整个社区的Pitzer会议的快速进展, The Nucleus is going to provide 学生 with more opportunities and resources, ranging from more tutoring spaces and rightsized classes to increased chances of conducting research and working closely with more tenure-line 教师.

“当学生们来到凯克学习科学时, 我们会打败他们的, 不管他们在科学领域的经验或背景如何, 并帮助他们成功地实现他们的计划,他说. “We’re really excited about where we’re going to go and what we’re going to do with this new space.”

A powerful new science center for 斯克里普斯 and Pitzer 学生: Architectural rendering of the west entrance of The Nucleus






Pitzer College is a 国家ly top-ranked undergraduate liberal arts and sciences institution. 克莱蒙特学院的成员, Pitzer offers a distinctive approach to a liberal arts education by linking intellectual inquiry with interdisciplinary studies, 文化感受, 社会责任, 社区参与. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.比萨.edu.

